Friday, August 26, 2011

Maternity Pictures

On August 18th my younger sister Chelsea Eckmann took us out to the park to do some maternity pictures. She did a fabulous job and we had a lot of fun. She is going to be a very successful photographer one day. So I decided to upload and share some of our favorites. I hope you enjoy them we sure did!

Waiting for Sadie

           Well now that everything is done we are just waiting on our precious little girl to make her arrival. Her room is done, we have the craddle set up in our room & ready, her swing is put together, and we even accomplished the daunting task of getting the carseat put in! Now we just need Sadie!
          Since my last post pregnancy has been rather interesting. I had to stop working on the 13th I was so uncomfortable and working was making everything worse. So eventhough Scott doesn't have another job yet we made the decision for me to stop and trust that God will provide. Tuesday the 16th I had gotten a massage from a friend at work and she opened up my hips for me which allowed Sadie to drop more and made me a little more comfortable. She also worked on the labor inducing points to help get things going some. Between that and not working I was starting to enjoy my pregnancy again and not be so miserable, until Sunday night. That night I experienced my first real contractions and they were AWFUL!!! The worst part was the horrible back pain that stuck around hours after they had stopped that I could not get any relief from until I was finally able to fall asleep. After that I decided that I was going to do everything in my power to get labor going and get this over with. I started walking as often as I could, doing stretches, eating sour & spicy foods, working my labor inducing points, and everything else I could think of. After Sunday night I had some Braxton Hicks contractions randomly throughout the week and kept dropping but no major activity, until yesterday. I had a doctors appointment yesterday at 11:30am she said everything looked great and that it could be any day now. I think that she made Sadie really mad when she was feeling my stomach and making sure she was still head down though. About an hour after I left I started having more Braxton Hicks contractions they were no big deal until about 6:00pm then they started getting more intense to the point where it was feeling like I couldn't breathe. No pain with them though they were definately not like the ones I had Sunday night. At about 8:30pm I had one with pain and called my doctor. She said that I needed to take a bath and drink some water to see if they stop and if the ones with pain developed a pattern of lasting a minute to a 1.5 mintues and being 5min apart to come on in. They never developed a pattern though. However they did keep me from getting any sleep last night.
             My hope is that we can have this baby sometime this weekend that would be fantastic because I don't know how many more days I can handle like yesterday!


 Well we are all ready for Sadie to make her arrival. The nursery is completely finished and everything is organized. Now all we need is a baby! My mom and I spent many hours decorating and organizing this room with the help of some others it is finally finished and perfect! There is a lot of love and meaning behind everything in this room which makes it so much more special.
this is the diaper holder that Scott's Grandma made for her

This is her crib that my Papa Chuck bought for her and the comforter was also made by Scott's Grandma. We really like the crib because it converts into a Day Bed, a Toddler Bed, and a Twin Bed. So it will stay with her for a long time.

The curtain and the decorations/seat on the chest were both done by my mom. The chest was my hope chest and we are now using it as her toy box and one day it can be her hope chest too!

This is my favorite verse and it is above Sadie's crib. It is Jeremiah 29:11. If there is one thing I want her to know it is that God has a special plan for her and that it is a perfect plan!

Changing table and a Diaper Genie that we are very thankful for!

This is by far the most meaningful piece in her room. My Mawmaw passed away 7years ago and I miss her so much and would give anything for her to be here with us now. This dresser was made for my Mawmaw by her dad when she was born. She actually slept in one of the drawers. Since then it has been painted & repainted and used by all 3 of her kids and by most of her grandkids. My mom had the dresser and repainted it and decorated it for us to use in Sadie's room. Now eventhough Mawmaw can't be a physical part of all of this she is still here and part of Sadie's life in this way.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting Closer :)

me at 34wks

scott wearing the pregnancy belly in our childbirth prep class

comparing bellies at childbirth prep class
    Well I feel just horrible! I haven't updated since May, sorry to all of you who have been waiting!
   So since May a lot has happend. We found out that they found a small fibroid in my uterus so that's why they have been doing so many ultrasounds to keep a check on it. So far everything is fine it hasn't grown much and they don't think it will effect me or Sadie at all. They said that it may cause a few problems after delivery for me but nothing major just more recovery time involved. On our last ultrasound which was July 13, the lady said that Sadie was about 4 1/2 lbs., very long and had a full head of hair. Yes, she has so much hair already that you could see it on the ultrasound! It was the coolest thing ever! Mom went with me to that one which was very special. We were able to see Sadie yawn, play with her toes and rub her eyes. It was so sweet! The ultrasound lady said that if she goes to her due date that she will be around 9lbs. So she is gonna be big and I am not sure how I feel about that! But I do know that I am soo ready for her to be here!
   As far as pregnancy right now, I am over it! I have had a lot of intense back pain lately and tightness in my belly from her not having anymore room. I know that it could be worse and that I have been blessed to be able to enjoy the majority of my pregnancy, but I swear these last few weeks may be the death of me! She is so big and and I am just to small. I don't really sleep much anymore because I can't get/stay comfortable. Also the heat is awful! I can't wear my rings anymore which makes me very sad, I feel naked without them on. And my feet pretty much swell as soon as I go outside which sucks! But I am going to tough out all this hard stuff because I know that it will all be worth it when I get to hold my sweet little girl in my arms! :)
   We have finally started on the nursery. We have it all painted and 2 of the pieces of furniture ready to move in soon. I can't wait to get all the furniture moved in so we can put the wall decorations up and get everything organized and ready for her arrival! this is how we painted the walls in the nursery     

  I also had a family & close friends baby shower a few weeks ago and that was fun! We got a good bit of nice stuff and I was very thankful for everything we got. I have 2 more showers coming up one for work and another at church for all of our church family & people who couldn't make it to my first one. I am very excited!
    We do have a little bit of good news from Scott as far as a job. He had looked into a few places and they just didn't work out. But, he called Schwan's today and his boss will find out tomorrow if he can hire him back. The guy in charge of that depot didn't want to let him go in the first place and has been hoping that Scott would come back after the 6months was up. So tomorrow we will hopefully find out if he has his job back! It's not what we were wanting but it is better than nothing and it will make things a lot easier on both of us. And once he starts working I will be able to go on maternity leave which will also be better for all involved. I will be able to relax and get things done around the house and he won't have to feel bad and hear me complain all the time haha!
     Our next appointment is on Friday. I am hoping that they will give me good news and tell me that she will be here before her due date! If anything major comes out of the appointment I will do my best to update then.