Thursday, April 9, 2009


So this weekend we went to Boone to get away. It was amazing. Mountains are our favorite place to get away it's so beautiful, breath taking, and humbling. Our goal or dream is to one day live in the mountains. We got to watch the sunset over the Blue Ridge Parkway that was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my life. The thing we talked about all weekend was how can people not believe in our awesome God after they seen things like that.
As far as our wedding planning is going we have picked out our invitations and are working on getting those done. We still have to meet about flowers and our photos and tell them what we want and all that stuff. We have started collecting boxes. As soon as the weather gets hot and stays hot we will start packing up winter clothes and going through things to sell at our yard sale that we are going to have before we move.
We only have like 3months until the big day and we are both really excited and cant wait!